Lua Nova, 24 de Dezembro de 2011
I wouldn't say I was very different from other people... Honest!
But I'd never say I was like them, either.
Who knew me would call me clever, proud and active. Those who didn't knew me saw a impetuous, obstinate, spoiled child. I'd say I was both. Apparently, I was always what people didn't want me to be. So, since a young age, I started not caring about their opinion: mine was the only one that mattered.
I was given endless opportunities... Such a wide range of futures for me. I had something that others, who weren't as (un)fortunate as me, didn't: wealth.
People say that money isn't the most important thing in one's life... But the truth is that it is one of them. It opens lots of doors... And people know that if they're nice to people with money, something will be given in return. No matter what.
That factor was very convenient in everything I was a part of... Lots of benefits for being so wealthy. That's why I started hiding my life and my history. It wasn't fair. And I absolutely hated that people thought that I would never do the same things on my own!
It was harsher in the begining, that simple questions or requests or right-down refused. But easily I proved wrong everyone who questioned my method of living. Always around me, staring at me as if I had grown a 2nd head... Those pityful, superior, hateful looks, made me want to die of shame for belonging to such a prejudiced circle! They didn't understand that the world wasn't the shiny place they were used to live, where everything seemed to be touched by the sun... Society didn't work that way. Most people live in the real word where sun shines once in a while and where the moon is their companion through the dark-pitched night.
That world showed me everything I should've known, if for some wicked twist of fate I were to belong there...
They didn't have what I had, but they were much more free than me and that... That was what atracted me more.
I was given endless opportunities... All of them promising future where the sun shines everyday.
I could have everything. And I could belong to the night.
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Um mimo meu! Porque tu mereces mesmo!
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