domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010


Lua Nova, 10 de Agosto de 2010

It's a Thursday morning. People run from one side to another... It's fun to watch them.
Don't get me wrong, it's obvious that you have already seen this. What I mean is that is fun to really watch them. Watch how different people are in the street at this hour: different cultures, different sizes, different personalities, different tasks. Have you ever stopped to think about this? Or are you one of them, always running around just worrying with you? Most of the times I'm there too... Too worried with my life.
However, I have my moments. When I realize that I'm becoming too obsessed with the future and not living the present I stop.
I just stop. Today is one of those days... I should be like that couple running to get in time to class, but not today. I decide to ditch classes: it's not like I have a test or something, it's a regular History class that I can catch up tomorrow, so it doesn't matter. Of course I'm in college and I should be more responsible...
I agree with it. On the other hand, now it's the time to make mistakes, try new things... Or else I can get a bitter old lady whose only company is a cat, because I didn't dare to live and I wouldn't do it then.
I have nothing against old ladies who have cats... I just prefer dogs. If I had cats I'd definitely be bitter... But I'm off the topic.
I'm at the park and my company is a stray dog (I gave him half of my lunch once I got here and he didn't let go of me since then, not that I care). Besides us, the other people at the park are two physical maniacs who keep running, stretching and running again around the park (that's one thing I don't get - why some people like running). The reason for that is the rain. Exactly, the rain.
It's raining for a while and I'm here spending this morning sat under a tree with my new buddy. I love the rain... That was the turning point of this morning. I was walking down the street, all the way down to the University, thinking about the work I had to do, in order to deliver it in two weeks. That's when I start feeling some drops falling on my face and everything on my mind went blank, except for the fact that I wanted to stay there, free from everything.
I went to the park always under the rain... It was good until it got heavier that's when I found the dog and decide to find shelter under the tree where he was.
I could decide to "stop" other day, but I wanted to do it today... And I don't regret it: I think I just found a dog to take home! Who knows what can happen later? For now I think I got to go with Bryan (my new dog) to a shop and buy him a collar and a leash. And probably some food.
For both of us.

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