quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2010

RUNNING - chapter 6

"Wait! Don't go!!" He screamed.
His parents entered the room and she took the chance to run away. "Jeff!" "Son, you're awake!" "We have been so worri-" The voices were fading away.
Kim kept on running through the hallway until she got to her father's office. He wasn't there.
"What can I do?" The only answer she got was a growl from her stomach. "Maybe I'll go to the café."
Once the ladies working in the café laid eyes on her they started spilling all that crap that she wasn't on the mood to hear. Yet she forced a smile. For her dad.

"Is it really you Kim?"
Of course I am.
"You're so grown up."
That usually happens to people when they're alive, you know?
"And a beautiful girl too."
Maybe for you. For Jeff... I must be disgusting.
"Have you ever thought about dying your hair?"
I have. But I won't and never will.

When they finished the talking I asked for breakfast: french-toast and apple juice.
I sat on the corner table waiting for my order to come. In the meantime, all I could think about was the time I met him.

I just moved to a new school and girls are already mocking me about my hair. Why did I have to move in here anyway? I wanted to stay in my hometown where mom... Now I started crying! It's already a month after mom's death (more tears) and I can't even accept it!
If someone sees me like this, I'll be made fun of until the rest of my days on Earth. I have to find a place to hide... There I can cry my eyeballs out. "But where?"
I know! The music room. It's said that it's only used to practice at night. I headed there as fast as I could, keeping the tears inside.
When I got there I knocked. No one answered. I entered the dark (and quite dusty) room and found a place to sit and hide beside the drums.

"There you have, dear."
I snapped from my day dreaming and thanked the woman handing my breakfast. I started digging in.
Wow, this apple juice is really good.

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