Lua Nova, 22 de Junho de 2009
- ...
What time is it? The sun hasn't risen yet.
05:00 A.M.?!!
"How did I manage to wake up so early?... Ah! I remember... It's today. It's the day they decided to forget everything, cut all bonds and walking forward to a new beginning... Even though they don't like it very much. They just see it as a way to accomplish their purpose."
- Granny!! I'm going out...
- Errr... Oh! All right, but be back at lunch time.
"Poor grandma... She also misses them, but she keeps pretending not to."
- Hey, Den!! Want to come?
"You miss them to right? We all used to play together when we were children and after twelve years they decided to go without knowing how much they worry us... Those idiots! Thinking of them always ends up me washed in tears..."
- Oh?! Den, stop with that! Ah ah ah!!! OK, I won't cry, so stop licking my cheeks... That's it good boy! I know you don't want me to be sad, but still... It's difficult. Oh look! We're here.
"The ruins of their house are the only thing they left back... In order to leave the past behind them, they burn everything and kept going..."
- Ahhh, Den... I'm so helpless! Even while I'm pitying them and worrying, they're probably getting into a fight without thinking what will happen.
"All I do is cry, worry and wait for them. I can't help them like this... I'm only of any help when they return to say «Winry could you fix this for me?». Fix? His arm is always busted out... If I didn't know that they would come like that, I wouldn't wait like this..."
- ...
Wait! That's it!! While I wait for them I'm helping them... Errr. Den, why're you pulling me? Oops! I forgot the time... Thanks Den! Let's get going...
"I hadn't realized that yet... Even though they said they didn't want to come back, they keep coming when they need help... They head right to Grandma's house. They know that we'll be there hoping that one day they'll come to stay... They know that we won't give up waiting for them.
If that's the case... Then I won't cry anymore... I'll do my best to work on Ed's automail and take care of Al's armor, so that they can see that can rely on what has rest of their "family" and I'll be always here waiting for them."
- We'll be here, right Den? Granny, me and you waiting for those reckless idiots!
We'll be waiting for Edward and Alphonse!
"I'll be waiting Ed."
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super kawaii
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